What do the Board members and Liaisons actually do?
Registrar: The Club Registrar manages the AdminSports registration system for all players PreK-8th grade, ensures all coaches are CORI checked, enters the team rosters with BAYS for Grade 3-8 teams and deals with all questions on enrollment process and fees. The registrar also manages the email system to our community through AdminSports.
Treasurer: This volunteer manages the Club bank accounts, pays our bills and ensures that our tax return and other filings are completed in a timely fashion. A quarterly internal audit check on expenses is carried out with the Treasurer and two rotating Board members, who view all expenses and the starting/ending bank balances.
BAYS Coordinators: These two volunteer positions manage the process of forming teams for our Grade 3-8 travel teams. This includes gathering and collating coach evaluation data, scheduling and running spring evaluation sessions and, with the Director of Coaching, collating that blind evaluator data, scheduling and chairing placement meetings, selecting and recruiting coaching teams and working with the Registrar to ensure all coaches are CORI checked. The coordinators also help run the pre-season Coaches Kickoff meetings, with the Co-Presidents. Also, when any head injuries occur, coaches send reports of the injury and also of the medical clearance to return to play to the coordinators.
Field Coordinator: This volunteer is responsible for all matters pertaining to fields including liaising with Dover and Sherborn Parks & Rec, working with other youth sports organizations to minimize practice conflicts in spring, allocating all DS teams practice slots, promptly updating the field section of the website if inclement weather closes fields, and notifying the Club if new field equipment should be replaced and purchased.
Referee Scheduler: Working in the BAYS referee assigning system, this volunteer assigns referees to all home BAYS league games in a way that maximizes referee retention and minimizes any referee 'no-shows'. This person is also the point person for managing any Zero Tolerance infractions, be they by DS coaches, on DS fields or involving a DS referee.
PreK-Grade 2 Coordinators: These volunteers use the registrations for PreK-Grade 2 and form balanced teams for these programs, then assign or recruit coaches for these teams. Also, working with the DOC, these Coordinators ensure there is appropriate coaching support for our volunteer coaches at these age groups and co-run the Coaches Kickoff meeting for this age group before the season starts. Throughout the season, these Coordinators manage the communication with coaches and families for these age groups.
Equipment Coordinator: This volunteer liaises with the current DS BAYS uniform provider, TriValley Sports, before each season to ensure there is an adequate number of uniforms available for families to purchase and, for the PreK-2 program, directly orders full uniforms (jersey, shorts, socks) from our provider, DTI Sports, to provide to players in this program. The Equipment Coordinator also orders game balls, practice balls and other coaching equipment (cones, pinnies, ice packs, etc.) as needed and makes these materials available at the Caryl Community Center.
Technology and Communication Coordinator: This Coordinator implements and supports the Club's technology and communications platforms, including the DS Soccer Club website and TeamSnap. Any technology improvements are also under the purview of this Coordinator.